Tuesday, November 17, 2009

C25K W6D3 WooHoo!

Woot! Woot!!! I ran those 25 minutes like I've never ran them before. Wait a min, that is true --- I've never ran 25 minutes non-stop before! WooHoo!!!

More later. Gotta get to work! But woohoo!!!

Addendum: I think the biggest help was doing this run on the track instead of the treadmill. I got tired only after 8 minutes but I reminded myself I did 10 minutes before and I can do it again. I kept at it. 15 minutes in I told myself I was getting tired. Can you believe that? I actually heard myself thinking: I've been running for 15 minutes, I must be tired by now. I couldn't talk myself out of that feeling. I was breathing easily, not huffing, my heart rate was about 161, which was still in the acceptable zone for me. I gave myself permission to slow down but not walk. I slowed down for about 20 seconds and saw my heart rate dropped to about 135 almost immediately. That gave me the leverage to tell myself, see you can't be tired! and got back to running the remaining 10 minutes. I think that's the beauty of the heart monitor. I'm not good at perceived exertion and I find I can talk myself into being tired just because running over 15 minutes non-stop is still so foreign to me. I mean, I have to be tired after 15 minutes, don't I? But with the heart monitor, I have a relatively objective measure of my exertion and am able to say no, I don't have to be tired after 15 minutes!

Anyway, some rambling after W6D3. W7, here I come!

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