Saturday, July 4, 2015

Joy of Journey

Joy of journey is compensation for change in destination.

Hello, again.
It has been a while and much has happened.  We are products of our experiences.  We can choose to look at those experiences differently but we can never erase them.

Destinations help guide our travels.
Without them, we would aimlessly wander.
But if too focused on the destination,
We risk missing the detours and sights,
The beauty of the journey.

So keep the destination in mind, fellow travelers.
But embrace the moments,
The little things that make us smile.
That make us feel as if
The journey is all that matters.

Travel's end may not be as envisioned
For Life has a way of surprising us.
Joy of journey is compensation
To console and ease the sense of loss
From changes in dreams and destinations.

Life happens.