Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Green Applesauce aka When Life Gives You Pulpy Apples...

Green Juice and Applesauce
A new twist on an old saying. When life gives you pulpy apples for your juice, make apple sauce.  Edit: A better description would be mealy apples.  Mealiness mostly happens to old apples that have been kept in storage for too long -- and these apples were definitely stored too long.

I cleaned out my fridge this morning by making today's green juice. Had a bag of fancy apples that were a little too past their prime to be eaten as is. I added the apples to my Omega juicer and out came this thick pulpy juice.

I prefer to strain my green juice so the apples soon clogged up the strainer.  What's left in the strainer was this thick applesauce.  I dumped that into a container and continued making my juice. By the time I got my 2 jars of green juice, I had a nice container of green applesauce.  The bits from kale, romain lettuce, celery, and lemon added a nice flavor to the green applesauce.

This made the smoothest applesauce; perfect for my afternoon snack.

Now, I hope I don't get pulpy mealy apples for my juice again (slow down the juice making) but nice to know I can make the most of it.

I am not going to have time to make crackers from the pulp today. Otherwise, I would have been able to prepare today's meals using the "by products" of this morning green juice :)