Wednesday, May 13, 2009

L is for ...

My family thinks I'm a perfectionist and am often my worst critic. I don't know about the perfectionist part. Take a look at my dusty dirty old Subaru and you'd be hard pressed to believe perfection is even in my vocabulary.

What I am though, is very particular about certain things. I don't care if my car is dirty. I'd only wash it because I feel bad that those I give rides to seem embarrassed by it. But a pet goes home with a food-stained e-collar? Not if we can help it.

As for being my own worst critic? Nah. I'm actually pretty easy on myself. I expect a lot from myself. But because of that, I also tend to be very understanding when things don't go as planned. Odd, huh? What I do then, is re-examine my expectations. Are they realistic? If yes, are there ways I can do things differently to meet those goals? I would only kick myself if I keep doing the same failed approaches.

So why the L?
It was a tough and busy day. Little things added up to knock down my morale. I was not as timely as I like; clients had to wait. I did not have the lab box up in time for the courier. I didn't feed the cats until late..... And the list goes on --- nothing major but still demoralizing at the end of a long day.

I tried telling myself that at least, the surgical patient is doing well. But overall, it was a crummy day. I didn't spend any time with my Elaine, just let her out in the back to do her business.

My sweet Elaine turned around to tell me what she thought of me --- she pooped an L.

L for Loser?
Nah. L for Laughter (didn't I say I'm not my worst critic?)
On a day like this, you just gotta laugh or you'll crack under the pressure.

Well, off to clean up the L and get some shut eyes. Early day tomorrow. Hope Elaine learns some other letters of the alphabet.

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