Monday, May 25, 2009

A Happy Clean Elaine

Elaine drying out after her bath. Bathing her is a big mess. She's too heavy for me to lift her into the bathtub. Besides, she's so strong, I don't know if I can safely keep her in the tub if she freaks and jumps out of the tub. She does fine on the floor. Good thing we have a floor drain. As it is, I'm soaked by the end of her bath.

I think she actually likes the baths. Or the poor girl is just happy that she's getting some extended time and attention from me.

Time to go play with clean Elaine!


  1. Awwww... Elaine looks so happy and healthy :D I've always wanted a dog, but I know I wouldn't have the necessary resources to properly take care of one. Instead, I brought home a hungry, half-dead kitten that lived under cars and was begging for food in front of a Baptist church. A year and lots of money later, she is now a healthy, violent, stubborn, impersonal, prissy little indoor street cat. lol I do have to scruff her from time to time to calm her happy biting self down, but I still love that little fluff ball. :)

    Mari's MySpace Pics! xD

  2. Antomi (I don't know how to do the accents on this desktop) --- she looks to be quite a character!

    Thanks for sharing her pics.
