Thursday, January 21, 2010

Flooding by the clinic

This was in front of our clinic yesterday Wednesday 1/20/2010. Supposed to be more rain and thunderstorms tonight!


  1. Oh my! That's a lot of water. I hope it doesn't get worse! Good luck!

  2. It's pouring again but does not seem to be as bad as Wednesday. Learning how to sandbag was interesting :)

  3. Thought I would drop you a line... I hope you are keeping up with your running... It's certainly not always easy to stay motivated. I've been stuck on week 4 of OHR for nearly 3 weeks!... due to a problem with my foot... argh... and what's worse is my owner doesn't give me treats at the end of a hard run!

  4. Thanks for dropping by. I did slide back in my running after starting out well the first 2 weeks of Jan. I've only managed to do one run a week the last couple of weeks :( Can't really blame it on the rain since I could have done the treadmill.
    Running just got pushed back in the line. Part of it was I stopped reading the running blogs for inspirations. Reading about running kept it in the forefront of my mind. But, I had to stop all my blog readings because that was ALL(!) I was doing some mornings and I was falling behind with "real work."
    I've pruned my reading list some and am, hopefully, back on track --- started Feb with a run this morning.

    Appreciate you checking on me. Hope your foot is better.
