Monday, June 8, 2009

Cleaning Elaine's Toothbrush

This one's being filed under ''Why didn't I think of this earlier?''

You know the white dried toothpaste stuff that get stuck between the bristles? It seems to remain no matter how much I rinsed the toothbrush after each use.

I accidentally left Elaine's toothbrush in a water cup after brushing her teeth this morning. I came back later to see all the white scum soaked off the brush --- see all the floaties in the cup.

Now, why didn't I know this before? All those brushes I tossed thinking they're too dirty and beyond cleaning!

1 comment:

  1. One of those simple, elegant solutions that makes you slap yourself in the forehead like, "Doh," huh? lol Good stuff for if I ever get a dog! :D
