Friday, February 5, 2010

Running in Circles

Tonight was my first time back on an indoor track since C25K intervals. It was raining again and I did not want to slowly slack off in my running again. I didn't think I would be able to run for long on a track and was considering the treadmill instead. But something about running for 30+ minutes and not going anywhere does not sit well with me. So around the indoor track I went. Roughly 33 times around the track, to be exact. About 3.6 miles in 39 minutes and 55 seconds at 11:06 pace (5.41 mph)

It was another great run. I feel like I could go longer but did not want to overdo it. Maybe I'll go for 4 miles next week.

The best part was cooling down to Michael Buble ''Haven't Met You Yet." I skipped and (almost) danced around the track. Must have been a sight :)

Some rude comments in the locker room threatened to end my evening on a sour note. But I managed to remember the feeling I had skipping around the track to the catchy tune of "Haven't Met You Yet" and things got better.

So not worth ruining my run and evening.

With tonight's 3.6 miles, I met this week's 9 miles goal! If I can get out again on Sunday, I'll pass 10 miles for this week!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you ran but sad that the locker room was a bad experience. It's not high school and people should have respect for other people using the facility.
