Monday, November 29, 2010

Manhattan Portage Messenger Extra Velcro Strips

I searched the web but couldn't find the purpose for the extra velcro strips in the Manhattan Portage Messenger Bag. Decided to use them to decrease the exposed surface of the velcro strips sewn in the flap. This makes the flap easier to lift -- speedier access to the bag.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Working with Elaine in the Dark

Practicing cues with Elaine. She was distracted by some passerby but did finally learn to stop, attention, and come.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Slowly Breaking Out The Holiday Spirits.

Had to dig out my holiday cup for the sappy Hallmark Channel holiday movies.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Pixelpipe Update via BlogBooster

Yeah! The video upload worked fine via Pixelpipe last night (Centro). The crashes were due to me recording the video in portrait instead of the landscape that the Pixi video app warned me to change. That must have messed the setting somehow.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Danika via Pixelpipe

Danika on Priscilla's 19th Birthday.
 Pixelpipe is working well so far.  Lots of features and will allow me to post to work accounts also. Yay!


BlogBooster is great for the style and formatting of blog posts. However, I could not get it to upload images from the phone. That limitation was a deal breaker as I need an app to upload blog posts with my own images.
Enter Pixelpipe.  This is my current favorite picture of Priscilla on her 19th birthday.
Hope this works.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

BlogBooster (Part Deux)

The previous BlogBooster published well. I have to remember the return or line break thing - the published version had a lot of lines between paragraphs. There's also an odd square at the end of the post. Could not make that go away; not sure what it is or where it came from.

The hyperlink needs the http:// for it to work.

Otherwise, BlogBooster seems to be a good alternative for mobile blogging.

Let's try the image from Photo Roll. Yesterday was Priscilla's birthday. I snapped what is now my favorite picture of her (you think it's easy getting a picture of your teen niece?)


Addendum: Looks like attaching an image from Photo Roll is not working. That's too bad as that would have been an often used feature.  May even be a deal breaker for me.  I'll have to see if there's a workaround for this. For now, I may have to stay with emailing the posts with the image to blogger.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


This is the third time trying out BlogBooster. The other times failed since it would not let me "Save as Draft" -- they both were published instead. Maybe a bug that still needs to be fixed?
Anyway, I figure we'll try again, at least to see if the other features work. Besides, ideally, I would be publishing the post directly.
BlogBooster allows for different styles such as bold, italic, underline, and color.
It also does text alignment and hyperlinks!
The Family Vet
Adding images should be a snap also. I can add it from Autocontent from the web:

That's just a random image that BlogBooster thought would be relevant to this post.
I can also add from Photo Roll but that gave me an error last time. I'm testing this first without Photo Roll and will try again later with it.
Well, let's see if this posts properly!