It was about two years ago that I amputated Elaine's tail.
We could not get the tail tip to stay healthy. One quick wag and she'd bloody the tip. We would treat and the tip would heal, only to open up again the next time she wags it against a chair, wall, or sides of her run.
She's a pit mix with a very strong tail. I know the tail dock was inevitable for her but I kept putting it off. I just did not want to dock her tail.
When the tip of her tail stayed in a contant state of baldness, sores and was dark from the scarring, I could not put it off any longer and amputated the tail. I did not want to do it. It was a bad day for me. But I think it was good for Elaine (once she got the e-collar off). She no longer has to fight a recurrent infection. She looks so much better without a bloody tail tip.
And I left enough tail so she can still wag it and express herself. Sort of like a button nose for a tail.
Part of me feel bad for waiting for so long before amputating Elaine's tail. But in hindsight, I think I would doubt the necessity if I did not wait.
I'm just glad that she did well after the surgery and has not had any complications or pain.